Hi guys Bazel here! Townsville has a generous slice of the backpacker movement sweeping through Australia. Our local backpacker company, GLOBETROTTERS (affiliated with the Consortium and Watermark) is building something BIG! Something people will have never experienced before, something that will rival even the best backpacker venues in Australia.
This got me thinking. When I moved recently, back to what I like, the City the word nomad definitely escaped my vocabulary. I found that little things in my humble dwelling, like my Air conditioning only working on the odd occasion, having a leaky bathroom and loud obnoxious neighbours really didn't seem to bother me all that much. It actually contributed to the character and charm of my life.
I seemed to have developed a tolerance to a motionless existence. (Either that or its just pure laziness and I can't be bothered to move) So you can only imagine how this new move for me was quite the momentous occasion. The thought of even entertaining a trip to say Japan (which is less than a 6 hour flight from Cairns) is way beyond my capabilities! A ferry ride to Magnetic Island is more than enough for me....
So why do people Travel?
The majority of people tend to live monotonous lives (people, meaning me) So anything I can possibly do to enhance and elevate my self image of other people's expectations of me, is a bonus. To feel better about myself, I tend to re-experience the travels of others of whom I hold in high regard. Enabling me to feel in some way, that I am able to perhaps, identify with their adventures in faraway exotic places.
Backpackers or adventurers that trek the world to find fulfilment, excitement or just to experience the world before the trappings of suburbia, are people who I could never be. They seem to seek new things or new experiences which provides them with the means for satisfying their basic and higher needs. Travel is, of course, one of the best means for satisfying their curiosity: No other human endeavour provides them with the scope and variety of human experience across cultures as what a good old road trip does.
Travel enables people to make their current lives "more real" by re-examining the present, in light of the past. Re-tracing roots by visiting places of their ancestors or making religious pilgrimages, all have the power to create a rich sensory experience enabling people to re-identify and relate to. Isn't it a funny thing though. People are generally fearful of the unknown, wary of what is different, and afraid of change and are prone to culture shock. Yet people seek the romance, excitement and adventure of travel?
Travel is one thing that doesn't seem to interest me, but stimulates the passions of over 500,000 intrepid backpackers every year. Afforded by the explosion of sights, sounds and fragrances travel genuinely uncovers, it is a means by which we seek to transform our often boring, mundane and uneventful existences back home.
Even people like me who may not ever make it off these shores will be able to soak up some of this exotic travel vibe that seems to be taking the world by storm at the new Globetrotters which will be renamed Rambutan.
Stay tuned and Like their page to keep up to date with all the goings on and goss of this new and up and coming venue!
Cheers Bazel
Clubbers tip: if you spend the night out on the town and don't want to contend with the Taxi line you can always book a room at Globetrotters and spend the night;)
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Why wait in the cab line when you could stay over night at Globetrotters |
The NEW Rambutan Flinders Street |
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